Saturday 8 November 2014


SHANGHAI — China's Prosperous Largest City

Shanghai, China's biggest city, oozes an atmosphere of vitality which can rival New York and Paris in terms of modernity. Shanghai is the second largest “city proper” in the world after Mumbai. As one of the world’s leading economic and business cities, Shanghai's modernity is evidenced by the ambitious skyline in the Pudong Economic Zone and the gorgeous night scenes of the Huangpu River, when the spectacular lights of its immense towers dance in unison.

New York

1. Central Park

Central Park is not only New York’s most famous; it is also the most visited park in America. Park Drive, a 6-mile loop around the park is a great place to talk a walk, jog, or bicycle ride. Other facilities at the park include tennis, basketball, and volleyball courts, and Lasker Rink, an ice skating rink which doubles as a swimming pool in the summertime. Warmer weather is also synonymous with free open-air concerts in the park’s Public Theater.


1. Piazza delle Erbe

Located is at the heart of Verona. Once you set eyes on Piazza delle erbe, you might be tempted to choose a cozy chair, cappuccino, and afternoon of people-watching. The Verona Piazza is considered one of the most picturesque in all of Italy. Literally translated as “Square of Herbs,” this piazza is also home to a market where you can buy all sorts of herbs to bring a taste of Italy home with you.